Introduction: This assumption is becoming increasingly accepted within scientific community that variations in fetal environment may have long-lasting over even permanent effects. Considering to alleviator factors of depression and anxiety seems necessary. The Aim of this study was to examine relationship between social support with depression and anxiety during third trimester pregnancy.
Methods: In correlational study, 95 pregnant women in the city of Shiraz who were selected using several stage cluster sampling in summer of 1387 completed three questionnaires, Social Support, Depression and Anxiety during Pregnancy. To analyze, we used Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analyze.
Results: Data analysis showed a negative correlation between social support and depression of third trimester pregnancy (P=0.001), but no significant relationship between social support and anxiety during three trimester pregnancy was found (P=0.09).
Conclusion: Findings of this study show that depression third trimester pregnancy will decrease of increase if social support increase or decrease. This result can be used by the specialists who work with pregnant woman’s mental health.
Abdollahzade Rafi M, Hassanzadeh M, Ahmadi S, taheri M, Hosseini M. Relationship between social support with depression and anxiety during third trimester pregnancy. IJNR 2012; 7 (26) :1-10 URL: