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:: Volume 3, Issue 9 And 8-9 (Spring/summer 2008 2008) ::
IJNR 2008, 3(9 And 8-9): 47-58 Back to browse issues page
The influential factors on burnout among nurses working in private hospitals in Tehran
R. Massoudi * , S. Aetemadifar , S.M. Afzali , F. Khayri , A. Hassanpour Dehkordi
Abstract:   (36924 Views)

Introduction: Nursing burnout is a syndrome, causing negative self image, negative attitude toward job and disrupted communication with the clients, could lead to a severe decline of healthcare qualities. Healthcare sectors are among the most important fields of stable development in any human society, which need healthy, enthused and motivated practitioners. Nursing staffs in private sectors encounter with numerous problems and job stress in their working environments which can result their burnout. The aim of present study was to identify the influential factors on burnout in nurses of private hospitals in Tehran.

Method: The study was carried out using a descriptive-analytic method. 505 nurses were participated in the study from different private hospitals in Tehran including Toos, Pastor no, Laleh, Tehran clinic and Kasra hospitals. Data were gathered through the questionnaires containing demographic information, scale of nursing burnout’s factors and Maslach nursing burnout. Data was analyzed using SPSS package.

Results: The participants reported their high emotional exhaustion (6.36%), high depersonalization (1.81%) and feeling low competent (23.63%). The most important factor contributing in nurses’ burnout in assessed private sectors was the inappropriateness between the income and the workload and its difficulties. Conclusion:

Considering the results and the importance of nursing job, attempts to reduce nurses’ problems such as financial, social and managerial problems is important. The authorities should support nurses by preparing an appropriate environmental, personnel and management conditions.

Keywords: Burnout, Nursing, Private hospitals
Full-Text [PDF 215 kb]   (122 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Community Health Nursing | Subject: nursing
Received: 2009/08/8 | Published: 2008/08/15
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Massoudi R, Aetemadifar S, Afzali S, Khayri F, Hassanpour Dehkordi A. The influential factors on burnout among nurses working in private hospitals in Tehran . IJNR 2008; 3 (9 and 8-9) :47-58
URL: http://ijnr.ir/article-1-297-en.html

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