The Iranian Jouranl of Nursing Research is a Journal which informs and advances the discipline of nursing and Midwifery. The Journal encourages scholarly debate and critical analysis resulting in a rich source of evidence which underpins and illuminates the practice of all aspects of nursing and midwifery including caring , practice, education , management, and ethics , innovation and leadership in nursing and Midwifery. It publishes current issues and developments in practice in the form of research papers, in-depth commentaries and analyses.
The complex and rapidly changing nature of global health care is constantly generating new challenges and questions. The Journal welcomes papers from researches, academics, practitioners, managers, and policy makers from a range of backgrounds which examine these issues and contribute to the body of knowledge in nursing and Midwifery.
The Journal welcomes Review Articles, Original Articles, Brief Reports, Case Reports and Letters to the editor in the field of Nursing and Midwifery. |