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Submission of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be submitted only via the Online Manuscript Submission System in each Journal’s website as below:
Journal of Health Promotion Management’s Website: http://www.ijnr.ir
Article Types
Nursing journals accepts Review Articles, Original Articles, Brief Reports, Case Reports and Letters to the editor in the field of Medical Sciences.
Peer Review Process
All submitted manuscripts will be pre-reviewed by INA editors in order to examine their format and scope. Manuscript will then be peer-reviewed by experts in the field. Editorial decision such as acceptance, rejection, or request for revision will be notified to the corresponding author. According to the policy of the journal the manuscripts will be reviewed within 2-4 weeks.
Manuscript Preparation
Original Articles:
The word numbers of original articles should not be more than 3500 words excluding title page and references and the number of references should be less than 30. An original article should contain the following parts:
Title Page: title page should contain the title of the manuscript, the name and affiliation of all authors, the affiliation, address, phone, fax and email address of corresponding author. Also it should contain a short title with less than 40 characters.
Abstract: should have following section: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion. Abstract must be less than 250 words. 3-5 keywords should be added at the end of the abstract.
Manuscript Body: should have following structure; Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion.
Acknowledgments: acknowledge support received from individuals, organizations, grants, corporations, and any other source.
Conflict of Interest: authors should state all financial and personal relationships that could be viewed as presenting a potential conflict of interest.
Tables: embed tables in the body of the text. Number tables in the order in which they are cited in the text and provide a title for each. Each table should be cited in the text. Explain all the abbreviations in footnotes.
Figures and Illustrations: embed figures in the body of the text. Number figures in the order in which they are cited in the text and provide a legend for each. Figures should be cited in the text as Fig. only high quality figures and illustrations are acceptable.
References: cite references in the text, tables, and figures with numbers in brackets. Number references consecutively according to the order in which they first appear in the text. The first six author authors should be mentioned. The journals name should be abbreviated and in italic. At the end of the references which are indexed in PubMed the pubmed link must be added. Below there are examples of INA style for references.
You LM, Aiken LH, Sloane DM, Liu K, He GP, Hu Y, et al. Hospital nursing, care quality, and patient satisfaction: cross-sectional surveys of nurses and patients in hospitals in China and Europe. Int J Nurs Stud. 2013;50(6):154-61.
Murray RK, Granner D, Mayes P, Rodwell V. Harper’s biochemistry: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey; 1990.
Acknowledgment: All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an Acknowledgements section. Examples of those who might be acknowledged include a person who provided purely technical help, writing assistance or a department chair who provided only general support. Financial and material support should also be acknowledged. Please ensure that anyone acknowledged has granted permission to be listed.
Review Article:
Review articles should contain less than 5000 word count and not more than 50 references. The abstract and the body of the manuscript must be structured. The word count of abstract should be less than 300 words.
Case Reports:
The word count of case report should be less than 2500 words and the number of references should be less than 20. The abstract should be structured containing Introduction, Case Presentation and Conclusion and should not exceed 200 words. The body of the manuscript should be structured as Introduction, Case Presentation and Discussion.
Editorial Policies
Competing Interests
A competing interest exists when professional judgment concerning a primary interest (such as patients’ welfare or the validity of research) may be influenced by a secondary interest (such as financial gain or personal relationship). There is nothing inherently unethical about a competing interest but it should be acknowledged and openly stated.
It is recommended that all authors download and complete a copy of the ICMJE disclosure form, which is available as a PDF at www.icmje.org/coi_disclosure.pdf. They should keep a copy of the form and send a copy to their corresponding author.
The corresponding author must insert within the submitted manuscript a summary statement headed “Competing Interests” at the end of the manuscript file (before the references) and in the. This will be included in the published article.
If no competing interests statement is submitted, or written the default statement on the published article will be ‘None declared’.
Ethical Approval of Research:
Our policy is to ensure that all articles published by INA report on work that is morally acceptable, and expects authors to follow the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki.
In addition we welcome detailed explanations of how investigators and authors have considered and justified the ethical and moral basis of their work. If such detail does not easily fit into the manuscript please provide it in the covering letter or upload it as a supplemental file when submitting the article. We will also be pleased to see copies of explanatory information given to participants. Even if we do not include such detailed information in a final published version, we may make it available to peer reviewers and editorial committees. We already ask peer reviewers to consider and comment on the ethics of submitted work.
Clinical Trial Registration:
In accordance with the ICMJE Recommendations, INA will not consider reports of clinical trials unless they were registered prospectively before recruitment of any participants. This applies to trials which commenced after 1 July 2005; for older trials retrospective registration will be acceptable, but only if completed before submission of the manuscript to the journal.
Eligible trials have been defined by ICMJE since 1 July 2008 as “where human participants are prospectively assigned to one or more health-related interventions [including health services and behavioral interventions] to evaluate the effects on health outcomes”, and before that were defined more narrowly as trials “where human participants are prospectively assigned to investigate the cause and effect relationship between a medical intervention and health outcome”.
Scientific Misconduct:
There are differing definitions of scientific misconduct. We deal with these problems at INA on a case by case basis while following guidance produced by bodies that include the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
WAME gives a useful overview of misconduct, using a slightly amended version of the US Office of Research Integrity definition of scientific misconduct and including these behaviors:
Falsification of data: ranges from fabrication to deceptive reporting of findings and omission of conflicting data, or wilful suppression and/or distortion of data.
Plagiarism: The appropriation of the language, ideas or thoughts of another without crediting their true source and representation of them as one’s own original work.
Improprieties of authorship: improper assignment of credit, such as excluding others, misrepresentation of the same material as original in more than one publication, inclusion of individuals as authors who have not made a definite contribution to the work published or submission of multi-authored publications without the concurrence of all authors.
Misappropriation of the ideas of others: an important aspect of scholarly activity is the exchange of ideas among colleagues. Scholars can acquire novel ideas from others during the process of reviewing grant applications and manuscripts. However, improper use of such information can constitute fraud. Wholesale appropriation of such material constitutes misconduct.
Violation of generally accepted research practices: serious deviation from accepted practices in proposing or carrying out research, improper manipulation of experiments to obtain biased results, deceptive statistical or analytical manipulations, or improper reporting of results.
Material failure to comply with legislative and regulatory requirements affecting research: including but not limited to serious or substantial, repeated, wilful violations of applicable local regulations and law involving the use of funds, care of animals, human subjects, investigational drugs, recombinant products, new devices, or radioactive, biological or chemical materials.
Many journals, including INA journals, also include redundant publication and duplicate publication, lack of declaration of competing interests and of funding/sponsorship, and other failures of transparency to be forms of misconduct.
For further questions please contact the support team of INA: info@ina.ir
Submission Preparation Checklist
  • As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Open Office, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed and cited within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end based on Instruction for Authors.
  • The references are valid (more than 60% of references have DOI or PMID) and authors may use EndNote software to inserte and prepare bibliography section. If you have any problem with EndNote please contact our reliable agent at INA.
  • The author(s) declared that there is no Conflict of Interest of Financial Disclosure with this study and if there were any, I have stated at the end of manuscript text.
  • The author(s) are aware about copyright condition in this journal and by checking this box state that I/we are agree with the copyright
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:: Instruction for the authors ::

Instruction for the authors

Iranian Journal of Nursing Research (IJNR)

Each researcher gathers and produces a lot of information during the research. The aim of writing an article as a scientific report is to provide necessary and useful information about the research’s process and findings to readers to be used appropriately. So, the question would be; what part of the research and what kinds of information are useful for the readers? The scientific journals develop an instruction for the authors to answer this question and to help authors and evaluators when reviewing the paper.

Iran’s Journal of Nursing Research is scientific/ research journal that publish papers related to nursing profession. Papers would be accepted in this journal if they have been written in following forms:

  1. Original Research Articles: this type of article has been written based on an ordered research design and valid scientific findings, and should include; title, abstract (Farsi & English), introduction, Methods, findings, discussion, conclusion, and references.
  2. Review Articles: these types of articles should be prepared based on the expertise of the author in relation the subject and should have at least 20 valid scientific references. They should include; title, abstract, introduction and a brief history of the subject, aim of the study, scientific statements and related previous studies, analysis and discussion about presented studies, and conclusion. Main conclusion and recommendation for the future studies should also be included. (From 20 references, 3 should belong to the author(s) and related to the subject of study).
  3. Case report: these types of articles should be written based on a specific professional issue and should provide particular view and understanding of the issue. They should also include; title, abstract (in Farsi & English), introduction, case report, discussion, references and documents.
  4. Team Work: these types of articles are based on a joint group/team work on a specific professional subject, particularly at national (inter-university cooperation) and international levels.      

Main principles

  1. The main language of the journal should be Farsi, but international English articles are also accepted.
  2. The article should have not been published in or sent to any national journal previously, also scientific undertaking of the author should be clearly specified and all the authors of the article should be aware about the publication. Therefore, it is necessary that, the authors should confirm these issues in their request letter. 
  3. The author(s) should upload two copies of the article (with and without name) along with the request letter to www.ijnr.ir . The journal does not accept any Email or normal post-delivery.
  4. Specific names or words in the manuscript or tables must be among famous abbreviations and their complete word with abbreviations in a bracket should be written once in the manuscript.
  5.  Graphs, pictures and tables must be clearly visible and readable for publication and should be in separate pages. The number and title of the tables should be on top of them and for graphs should be under them. The picture of individual people should not be identifiable.
  6. For spacing: the row spacing should be 1.5 cm in A4 paper with clear margin of 2.5 cm from either side. For Farsi text, the Microsoft world 2003 with Mitra fonts and text size 12, and for English text, Times and Roman fonts and text size 12 must be used along with the name of the file and must be send to the journal.
  7. The responsibility for the accuracy of the statements is on the author(s). Also, the time lap from the start of research and sending of the article should not exceed 5 years.
  8. The journal has the right to reject, accept, amend, edit, and summarize the articles, and articles with their attachments will not be returned.
  9. Only the articles that are in compliance with ethical principles of Helsinki-Tokyo agreement regarding clinical studies of human, and approved by ethical committee of the author’s institution will be published. Also an inform consent must be obtain from the participants of the study and this should be clearly reflected in the article.
  10. Publishing of statements in the journal with the reference to the Iran’s Journal of Nursing Research is acceptable.
  11. In each issue, only one article review and for each person only on article as the first author or corresponding author will be published.
  12. All intervention study must be registered in the website (www.irct.ir) and its code must be mentioned in the article.

The process of evaluation for acceptance of article

  1. The articles will be accepted if they comply with the main mentioned principles.
  2. Each article will be peer reviewed at least by three reviewers and decision whether to accept or reject the article is made first by journal’s editorial board and then by the jury. 

How to set up articles’ pages

1. The title page:  The complete title of the article must be short (maximum 15 words) and should include the main subject and author’s orientation in relation to the subject. In the qualitative studies, the title should be experienced –based and reflect the subject of the study. It must also be written in (bold font) letter.

2. Each page must have a short title (maximum 5 words).

3. The name of author(s) must be written under the title.

4. Corresponding author must be identified by (*), for example; it should be written as (* corresponding author)

5. Complete detail of the author(s) such as scientific undertaking and addresses, including research institution, faculty and university. Page 1 footnote must include abstract in Farsi and English.

6. In the English abstract, the principles of Latin writing should be preserved for example; Last name, the first letter of first name, scientific undertaking (as Ph.D, MD, MSc, BSc), post code, phone number, fax and email address respectively must be written in the footnote.

Abstract: Study’s abstract (Farsi and English) must be in the separate sheet, structural, maximum 250-300 words, without references and abbreviations, and should include all concepts and components of the study, as follow:

Introduction: It must be in two or three sentences regarding the necessity for conducting the study or summary of manuscript.

Aim: Aim(s) must be a clear, measurable (in quantitative studies), and accessible and should be homogeneous all throughout the article.

Method: Method must include general information about the type of study, population and sampling, method and tools of data collection, and time and type of intervention.

Findings: In the quantitative study, the findings must be related to the aim(s) of study, and should be presented for each study group with the used statistical tests along with results and coefficients/ confidence intervals. In the quantitative study, categories, themes or concepts and/or theoretical explanation of the findings related to the study’s subject along with the brief, related and clarifying explanation should be presented.

Conclusion: This section should not repeat the study’s findings. In this section, final conclusion of the findings along with recommendations, and findings’ applications in nursing must be presented.

Keywords: It should include maximum 5 keywords based on MeSH. Farsi and English abstracts must correspond with each other and Farsi keywords in Farsi abstract and English keywords must be in English abstract.

The main manuscript of study should include introduction, method, findings, discussion, conclusion and references.

Introduction: Introduction must be clear, brief, ordered and purposive. Thus, the author(s) in the introduction must pay attention to the logical sequence of presented information. This principle is applicable in both qualitative and quantitative studies and its sequence includes;  

  1. General explanation about study’s setting and subject
  2. More detailed explanation about aspect of the issue that is the focus of the study
  3. Review of other studies related to the subject of study
  4. Analysis of presented information in above items particularly, related studies and vacuum regarding the subject.
  5. Presentation of study’s aims, questions, and/or main hypothesis.

Study Method:

One of the import parts of any article which reflects its accuracy and strength is the information presented in the study method. Considering the differences in the methodology of qualitative and quantitative studies, how to write these sections are explained separately.

In the quantitative studies, method must include clear information about;

  1. Study design and its relevance to the study aim/question, time and place, population, samples, inclusion and exclusion criteria, estimation of sample size, sampling method and process of sample distribution into study groups
  2.  Study method or stages of intervention, measuring tools, validity and stability, process of scoring tool’s data (qualitative and quantitative) and interventions
  3. Data management, computer software, and statistical test methods

In the qualitative studies, method must include clear information about;

  1. Study design and its relevance to the study aim/question, time and place or natural environment, access to the participants and their characteristics
  2. How researcher entered the natural setting of study, full explanation about data gathering processes, ending of data gathering or data saturation, explanations about the methods used for  data validity, accuracy, credibility, confirmability, transferability and dependability, and ethical consideration
  3.  Data management, computer software (if used), data analysis method and its relevance to study method

Findings: one of the important parts of study that reflects the study’s achievement is the information presented in the study findings. Since the findings of qualitative and quantitative studies are different, how to write these sections are explained separately.

Findings in quantitative studies include;

  1. Examination of amount and distribution of interferer demographic variables (their distribution and uniformity)
  2. Clear and adequate presentation of findings based on the study findings. So, readers can easily judge how much study has achieved its aims.
  3. Statistical data and concepts such as; number/percentage or the mean/standard deviation should be written without any explanation. Type and suitability of the tests and significant level should also be included.
  4. Data and findings that appear in the tables and graphs should not be repeated in the manuscript. However, a summary of them should be reflected in the manuscript briefly.
  5. Tables and graphs should be written in Farsi and they must be clear and readable. They should also contain title, and time and place of the study. No more than 5 tables and graphs should be in the article and their size should not be bigger than 15x10 cm (they do not require subtitle, and only symbols like *, +, etc, should have subtitle). 

In the qualitative studies;

  1. First, method of analysis should be determined according to the model and a brief report of the findings should be included in each stage.
  2. Categories, main themes or concepts with sub-themes along with direct statements of the participants or primary data should be stated and explained.
  3. At the end, the finding of the study that are related to the study’s question(s) (meaning or process of phenomena under study) must be explained in a way that, explained meaning or main theory derived from the study data should reflect a logical and clear correlation between concepts, themes, categories or main variable.


Discussion should include conclusion and summery of the data that are in line with the study’s question(s). Following items should be considered in the discussion;

  1. In the quantitative studies, the summery should not include statistical and numeric findings.
  2. Relevance of study findings with the findings of other national/international studies (computability or contradiction) should be critically analyzed (not just discussed) and reasons for their acceptance or rejection must be discussed.
  3. If a study has been conducted based on theoretical model or framework, their relevance with the findings should also be discussed.
  4. Expression of personal opinions should be limited to the study findings.

Final conclusion:

Final conclusion must include; conclusion and a belief report about discussed subjects that should be related to the aims, main question(s) or theory of the study.

  1. Conclusion should be limited to study findings.
  2. Applications of the findings, study limitation and generalizability must be carefully considered.
  3.  Recommendation about further study and the use of findings can be highlighted in this section.


In this section, the author(s) would thank the funding institutions, people or organizations that helped to conduct the study


Vancouver method should be used for referencing. Citations with number and according to the order of appearance in the manuscript should be written at the end of article. In the manuscript, after the use of each reference the number of reference must be written in a bracket. 

Notice: Considering the condition for indexing of scientific journals in the world’s high ranking databases, all Persian references are required to be translated to English. To write the title of a Persian article, the English translate of the title that has been published in a journal should be used.

How to write the references (articles and books):

1. Persian references as article:

Author’s surname, first letter of author’s fist name, title of the article, year of publication, issue number, pages.

Example; Ahmadi J, Fathie S, Sajari Sh, Endemic Goiter in Province Hamadan: intake iodine salt after 5 years, Pajohesh dar Pezeshki, 1998; 22(2): 135-145

2. Persian references as books:

Author’s surname, author’s fist name, title of the book, edition number, name of the city-place of publication, name of publisher, year of publication.

Example; Mohammadi Hassan, Jalili Hassan (authors), ensuring the quality of laboratory, second edition, Tehran, center of university publication, 1996.

3. Dissertation references:

Writer’s surname, writer’s first name, title of dissertation, PhD/ MSc dissertation of program, city: name of educational center, name of university, year.

4. English references as article:

Author’s surname, first letter of author’s first name, title of the article, name of journal, year of publication, issue number, pages. Names of up to six authors should be written and if there are more than six authors the word (et al) must be used.

Example; Vega KJ, Pina I, Krevsky B, Heart transplantation is associated with an increased risk for pancerratobiliary disease. Annals Internal Medicine. 1996; 124 (11): 980-3.

5.  English references as books:

Author’s surname, first letter of author’s fist name, title of the book, edition number, name of the city of publication, name of publisher, year of publication.

Example;  Ringseven MK, Bond D, Geronology and leadership skills for nurses. Albany (NY): Delmar publishers; 1996.

If the reference used is a chapter of the book:

Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP, Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. New York: Raven Press; 1995. P. 465-78.

6. Use of electronic (online) references (Farsi and English):

Hughes, J. Satisfaction with Medical Care: A review of the field. www.chagesufer.com/html. Accessed: Feb 2, 2003-5,2003

National Library of Medicine. (2002). Fact Sheet. Medical Subject heading (MeSH). [online]. Available: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/factsheets/mesh.html. accessed June 7, 2000

Notice 1: To publish journal’s content, permission must be obtained from journal of Nursing Research’s editor-in-chief.

All rights for publication are reserved.

For those whose article are published in the journal, the same issue of journal ( one for each author) will be send to corresponding author.

Notice 2: According to the directive of editorial council and board of directors of Iran’s scientific nursing association, from the first issue in 2011, all articles that are accepted following the reviewing process must pay part of the costs for publication. This decision has been made due to the lack of effective sponsor, reduced membership fees and increased expenditure of the journal. The journal must pay review fee to reviewers in order to maintain its scientific quality, and also there are other costs including, publication, Farsi and English edit, distribution all across the country, etc, which the journal cannot afford. The cost of publication for authors is 3,000,000 Rials.

At the end, the authors are recommended to use the above instructions in their article and after registering in the journal and obtaining username and password, submit their articles. Good luck.    


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