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:: Volume 9, Issue 4 (winter 2015) ::
IJNR 2015, 9(4): 47-60 Back to browse issues page
Development and psychometric evaluation of chronic pain related restriction questioner in the elderly
H Manoochehri , M Shirazi * , M Zagheri Tafreshi , F Zayeri
, manouchehr_shirazi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (19388 Views)
Introduction: With respect to importance of comprehensive assessment of chronic pain in the elderly, accessing to a presice questioner for chronic pain related restriction assessment is essential for effective chronic pain management. Hence, the current study aimed to development and psychometric evaluation of chronic pain related restriction questioner in the elderly. Method: This study is a mixed method research, which implemented in three stages for development and psychometric evaluation of a questioner for chronic pain related restriction assessment in older people. The grounded theory approach was applied for chronic pain related restriction concept exploration in the first stage based on 30 elderly people with chronic pain, 3 relatives and 29 health care providers viewpoints participated with purposive and theoretical sampling methods. At the second stage, questioner sentences were extracted and developed by qualitative part results and review of the valid and related litherature respectively. Methodological approach was applied for psychometric evaluation of that in the third stage based on face, content, and constructs validities, internal consistency and stability reliabilities. Results: Chronic pain related restriction concept was explored at the first stage. Based on participants’ viewpoints in the qualitative part of study, chronic pain related restrictions was means that a collection of disorders such as reducing activity, increasing dependency, disturbing physically, mentally and socially well-being which leads to reducing quality of life for seniors and their families and on the other hand, could createing too many problems in the treatment and caring of the elderly.Elementary questioner with 49 sentencess was developed at the second stage. During the third phase of the study, face and content validities as quality and quantity methods (content validity index average=0.92) were performed respectively. More over, construct validity was assessed by exploratory factor analysis, and instrument sentences were decreased to 21 item, in which three factors were obtained, as in the first factor (indoor activity restrictions) including 7 items , in the second factor (outdoor activity restrictions) with 8 items and in the third factor (therapeutic restrictions) with 7 items, situated respectively. Finaly, internal consistency (α=0.89) and stability reliability by test-retest (0.94) were determined for reliability evaluation. Conclusion: With respect to precise development process and suitable validity and reliability of chronic pain related restriction assessment questioner, its application for pain related restriction assessment and effective pain management in the elderly will be suggest for health care providers team and researchers.
Keywords: Questioner development, psychometric evaluation, pain restriction, chronic pain, older people
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Type of Study: Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing | Subject: nursing
Received: 2015/01/14 | Published: 2015/01/15
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Manoochehri H, Shirazi M, Zagheri Tafreshi M, Zayeri F. Development and psychometric evaluation of chronic pain related restriction questioner in the elderly. IJNR 2015; 9 (4) :47-60
URL: http://ijnr.ir/article-1-1447-en.html

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