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:: Volume 10, Issue 3 (autumn 2015) ::
IJNR 2015, 10(3): 1-10 Back to browse issues page
Evaluation students 'awareness of patients' rights in clinical students of Jahrom Medical University
M Karimyar Jahromi * , M Hojat , Z Karami
, mahdikarimyar310@gmail.com
Abstract:   (10714 Views)
Introduction: respecting the patients' rights is physically, mentally, spiritually and socially legitimate and reasonable needs that embodied in medical standards and rules and Treatment team is responsible and obligated to perform and observe it. Method: This study is a descriptive-analytic. Sampling was Census of 300 students from the Clinical students of Jahrom Medical University during the spring of 2013. The data collection was two-part questionnaire with demographic data and 29 questions in the area of patient's rights. For data analysis used SPSS statistical software version 16 and descriptive statistics (including percent, mean and standard deviation) and analytical testing (including t-tests, ANOVA and Spearman correlation coefficients. Results: In total number of samples (n=300), 195 patients (65%) were female. The mean knowledge score of students was 14/48±3/82. The highest mean score was in the area of informed consent, and lowest, in the sphere of individual freedom. Differences of student scales in terms of gender, academic degree was significant (p value <0.05). Conclusion: The total and difference areas awareness of the clinical students about patient's rights were at the intermediate level. The knowledge of clinical medical students was higher than other students. Institutionalization of ethics in the students and make them aware of the career is an important part of the universities responsibility.
Keywords: Patient Rights, Clinical Student, awareness
Full-Text [PDF 216 kb]   (3281 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing | Subject: nursing
Received: 2015/09/16 | Published: 2015/09/15
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Karimyar Jahromi M, Hojat M, Karami Z. Evaluation students 'awareness of patients' rights in clinical students of Jahrom Medical University. IJNR 2015; 10 (3) :1-10
URL: http://ijnr.ir/article-1-1557-en.html

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