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:: Volume 10, Issue 3 (autumn 2015) ::
IJNR 2015, 10(3): 43-51 Back to browse issues page
Barriers of nurses' participation in clinical research in Tabriz training centers, 1393
M Arshadi Bostanabad , G Shirzad , Z Motazedi * , E Asghari , A Safari
, karimkhani36@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (14444 Views)
Introduction: The research is a very important part of the nursing professionalization and practice based research is a part of modern nursing. Identifying and eliminating barriers of research is essential to promote research activities of nurses. The study was conducted to assess the barriers of nurses' participation in clinical research. Method: This cross-sectional study was carried out by members of the Scientific-Research Vice nursing. The questionnaire was developed by the researchers (alpha coefficient of 0.88 ).of total 4120, 520 nurses, working in hospitals of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in 1393 were selected by multi-stage random sampling . at the end, 485 questionnaires were returned (93.27%) . the instrument consists of two parts first demographic variables and the second 4 point Likert questionnaire, which assess barriers to organizational research, with 20 items, and personal barriers, with 16 items . To assess the relationship between barriers with quantitative demographic variables Pearson, t-test for binary variables and ANOVA for multi-option ones was used. Data were analyzed with the software SPSS .18. p (sig) of less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: The mean score of 6.26 ± 38.46 for organizational barriers was higher than the personal barrier 3.96 ± 25.79. The main barrier were lack of time, unfamiliarity with statistical principles and indifference toward research. The main institutional barriers were inequality in the adoption and implementation of research projects, lack of monitoring system in research and research utilization in the nursing. Conclusion: It is recommended to eliminate barriers of research, authors develop the methodology workshops, english classes, use of library resources, search the Internet and inform priorities for research, annually.
Keywords: Research, nurse, training health center
Full-Text [PDF 212 kb]   (4987 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Nursing Education | Subject: nursing
Received: 2015/09/16 | Published: 2015/09/15
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Arshadi Bostanabad M, Shirzad G, Motazedi Z, Asghari E, Safari A. Barriers of nurses' participation in clinical research in Tabriz training centers, 1393. IJNR 2015; 10 (3) :43-51
URL: http://ijnr.ir/article-1-1562-en.html

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