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:: Volume 10, Issue 4 (winter 2016) ::
IJNR 2016, 10(4): 145-154 Back to browse issues page
Relationship between spiritual wellbeing with Anxiety in Elderly Patients with Chronic Heart Failure who referred to allocated hospitals in Tehran city (2015)
E Aghaeipour Amshal , N Rejeh * , M Heravi-Karimooi , D Tadrisi
, nrejeh@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (14671 Views)
Introduction: Congestive heart failure is one of the most common chronic diseases over the world. Patients suffering from congestive heart failure may face with conditions leading to enhance anxiety. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between spiritual well-being and demographic variables in patients with congestive heart failure. Method: In this descriptive correlational study, 384 older patients with chronic heart failure were selected using the convenient sampling method. Data was collected using demographic data questionnaire, Ellison-Paloutzian Spiritual Wellbeing Scale, and Beck Anxiety Inventory. Descriptive and inferential methods were applied to analyze the collected data. Results: Mean total score of spiritual well-being was 90.90 ± 9. 86, Mean score of existential aspect of spiritual well-being was 42.72±5.37 out of 60 and Mean scores of religious aspect was 48.17±5.65 out of 60. Also Mean scores of anxiety was 20.78± 10.46. There was a statistically significant relationship between anxiety and existential (P< 0.011 r= -0.74) and religious (P= 0.01 r= -0.67) aspects of spiritual well-being in patients with chronic heart failure. Anxiety and total score of spiritual well-being had a significant relationship (P< 0.010 r= -0.76). No significant relationship was found between spiritual wellbeing and most of the demographic variables. Conclusion: This study strongly indicate that older people with chronic heart failure with a higher level of spirituality well-being had less anxiety. Therefore, spirituality well-being might be considered a protective factor against anxiety in such patients. It is recommended that more attention is paid to spiritual aspects of these patients during the treatment process.
Keywords: Anxiety, Chronic Heart Failure, Spirituality, older people.
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Type of Study: Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing | Subject: nursing
Received: 2016/01/13 | Published: 2016/01/15
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Aghaeipour Amshal E, Rejeh N, Heravi-Karimooi M, Tadrisi D. Relationship between spiritual wellbeing with Anxiety in Elderly Patients with Chronic Heart Failure who referred to allocated hospitals in Tehran city (2015). IJNR 2016; 10 (4) :145-154
URL: http://ijnr.ir/article-1-1637-en.html

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