Payame Noor University, Bandar Abbas Branch, Bandar Abbas, Iran ,
Abstract: (4832 Views)
Introduction: Along with providing traditional therapies such as medication for the treatment of depression, modern methods have been proposed to reduce symptoms and mood syndromes, including third wave therapy, such as acceptance and commitment therapy. The aim of this study was to Comparison of the efficacy of acceptance acceptance commitment therapy and electrical stimulation with alternating current on mood symptoms in depressed patients. Methods: The present study was a quasi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test and control group. The statistical population of the study consisted of all patients with depressive disorder referring to psychiatric and psychiatric centers of Bandar Abbas. The sample consisted of 45 persons who were selected using available sampling method and randomly divided into two experimental groups Acceptance and Commitment (ACT) therapy and TACS and control electron microscopy are used and the data are collected using Beck Depression Inventory. Using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, and inferential) Single-variable covariance analysis) and with the help of software Yale SPSS V.23 statistical analysis was performed. Results: Data analysis indicated that the mean post-test of the acceptance and commitment-based treatment group was 12.13%, the group with over-stimulation excitation was 17/86 and the control group was 26%, and between the experimental group with admission and commitment therapy and There was a significant difference between the control group and the control group (P <0.05). Also, comparing these two treatments, acceptance and commitment therapy had more effects on depressive symptoms. Conclusion: Considering the findings of this study, acceptance and commitment therapy as one of the new approaches to psychology has been shown to be effective in reducing the severity of depression and can be used as a useful clinical intervention in combination with other therapies..
asghari M, faleh kar A, zaree A, Mirza hoseini F, Amani O. Comparison of the efficacy of acceptance acceptance commitment therapy and electrical stimulation with alternating current on mood symptoms in depressed patients. IJNR 2018; 13 (4) :16-23 URL: