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:: Volume 18, Issue 5 (December-January 2023) ::
IJNR 2023, 18(5): 22-32 Back to browse issues page
Telehealth for Arterial Diseases: A Comparison of In-Person and Distance Learning Consultations- Review Article
Shirin Khodadadi , Mehrdad Azarbarzin *
Islamic Azad Uiversity-Najafabad Branch , azar_mehrdad@Yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1207 Views)
Background : The use of telehealth technology, especially in the treatment of arterial diseases, is considered as a new reactive and effective tool in improving doctor-patient communication and improving patients. Aiming to assess the effectiveness and results of in-person consultation with distance learning consultation in the field of arterial diseases, this article provides a detailed look at the advantages and limitations of telehealth in this field.
 Methods: In order to do a descriptive review article,a search was made in databases including PubMed, Irandoc,Medline, Sid in the time range of 2013 to 2023. Studies that focused on the use of telehealth technology in arterial diseases and compared in-person communication with distance learning consultation were selected, and articles not aligned with the purpose of the study and letter to the editor were excluded from the study. 17 out of 35 articles were finally reviewed.
Results: The presented articles focus on the impact of health technology and telemedicine interventions in the field of cardiovascular diseases. These studies emphasize the benefits of these interventions and the challenges associated with them, and highlight the importance of coordinated communication, collaboration, and ongoing training for health personnel. Articles show that telehealth interventions can be an effective tool, especially in the management of rare diseases such as pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Conclusion: Telehealth interventions in the field of cardiovascular diseases is a safe and effective method, and because it is cheaper than in person consultations and can be used by more people, it is recommended to use this type of interventions for arterial and cardiovascular diseases.

Keywords: telehealth, arterial diseases, face-to-face consultation, distance education
Full-Text [PDF 305 kb]   (292 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Medical Surgical Nursing | Subject: nursing
Received: 2023/08/16 | Accepted: 2023/11/5 | Published: 2023/12/1
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Khodadadi S, Azarbarzin M. Telehealth for Arterial Diseases: A Comparison of In-Person and Distance Learning Consultations- Review Article. IJNR 2023; 18 (5) :22-32
URL: http://ijnr.ir/article-1-2816-en.html

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