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:: Volume 19, Issue 3 (August-September 2024) ::
IJNR 2024, 19(3): 12-23 Back to browse issues page
Conflict management style of nurses in hospitals affiliated with Zanjan University of Medical Sciences
Ashraf Gangkhani , Maryam Esmaeili , Hadis Ashrafizadeh , Fatemeh Hajibabaee * , Shima Haghghani
Intensive Care and Management, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. , hajibabaeefateme@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (691 Views)
Introduction: Today, despite the increasing complexity in organizations, conflict has become a natural phenomenon in the professional and personal life of employees. Conflict among nurses is considered a very important issue in service provider organizations, and conflict management is a systematic and purposeful process of finding satisfactory solutions for the parties involved in the conflict. This study was conducted with the aim of "determining the conflict management style of nurses in hospitals affiliated with Zanjan University of Medical Sciences".
Methods: This research is a descriptive and correlational study that was conducted in hospitals affiliated to Zanjan University of Medical Sciences in 2019. 180 nurses who met the inclusion criteria were selected using a stratified random sampling method with proportional allocation. The data collection tool in this study included questions related to demographic information and Thomas Kilman's conflict management style questionnaire, which was completed by nurses in the form of self-reporting. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics including Pearson's correlation coefficient, independent t, analysis of variance and in SPSS-25 software.
Results: The frequency of conflict management style in nurses includes Compromise style with (37.2 percent), Accommodative style with (33.3 percent), avoidance style with (12.2 percent), Collaborative style with (8.9 percent) and Finally, the style was competitive with (8.3 percent). Among them, the highest frequency was related to the compromise style and the lowest frequency was related to the competition style.
Conclusion: Conflict is inevitable, but the way conflict is managed determines its results. Therefore, learning how to deal with conflict is particularly important because nurses must be able to effectively participate in the process of solving it and adopt a constructive attitude when dealing with conflict in order to ensure safe and effective nursing and care. Also, this training is necessary for the managers of the organization because they must identify the occurrence of conflict in time and recognize its causes and act effectively in directing and resolving the conflict.
Keywords: conflict management, nurse, hospital.
Full-Text [PDF 363 kb]   (132 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Nursing Management and Administration | Subject: nursing
Received: 2023/12/23 | Accepted: 2024/02/7 | Published: 2024/05/30
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Gangkhani A, Esmaeili M, Ashrafizadeh H, Hajibabaee F, Haghghani S. Conflict management style of nurses in hospitals affiliated with Zanjan University of Medical Sciences. IJNR 2024; 19 (3) :12-23
URL: http://ijnr.ir/article-1-2865-en.html

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