A Content Analysis of Concerns of Cancer Clients Rahemi Sh (MSc.). Abstract Introduction: The prevalence rate of cancer as a non infectious disease is on the rise in developing countries. There are lots of information about diagnosis of cancer, its treatment and nursing care, but this qualitative study reveals the concerns and needs of the cancer patients besides the need for treatment regimen. Material and Methods: This study collected information from 30 patients with cancer in the age group of 40 and above, through observation and semi structured taped interviews. Each client was visited for 5 times, all verbal and nonverbal behavior was recorded. Demographic as well as concerns of clients' based on Roper's living model were recorded. The validity of the interview form was checked with reviewing books, articles (Roper's model and Laschinger Empowerment theory) and checked with the experts. For reliability and credibility a deep observation and spending sufficient time for interview in each visit was done. A pilot study was also performed with four clients to provide feed back to the participant regarding the security of interpretations. Results: Using content analysis, interviews and all notes were coded and categorized, concepts and concerns were identified. The findings were compared with roper model of living to asses its application. Findings indicated that one of the main problem of these clients is to talk about their needs and concern .The findings revealed that clients had fleeing of uncertainty to plan and make long term decisions. They also had identity conflicts by expressing having less energy and are not empower enough to do things that they want. Conclusion: They mentioned that they isolate themselves at home due to the low self confidence and low self image and not having control over their life activities. The feeling of having no power resulted in missing the opportunities and their positive abilities to enhance their quality of life. This study should continue with a large group of clients in order to make a proposal for client care in oncology units. Key words: Cancer, content analysis, client’s concern, uncertainty, identity conflict, isolation |