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:: Volume 3, Issue 11 And 10-11 (Fall/Winter 2008 2009) ::
IJNR 2009, 3(11 And 10-11): 99-109 Back to browse issues page
Satisfaction of Student and faculty members with implementing Blended-E-Learning
Abstract:   (25182 Views)
Introduction: Blended-E-Learning system utilizes various methods and advanced technology to improve learning quality. This study aimed at assessing students’ and faculty members’ satisfaction with blended-e-learning system which was developed within some courses in School of Nursing and Midwifery of Tehran University of medical Science. Methods: The study was carried out using a descriptive-comparative method. Volunteer teachers (n=17) in different programmes (BS, MS and PhD) designed their courses appropriate with blended-e-learning system. In total, 22 courses (45 credit points) of bachelor, master and PhD in Nursing as well as bachelor and master in Midwifery were presented through blended-e-learning system in first semester of educational year, 2008-2009. A self-constructed questionnaire of satisfaction was used the collect the data at end of the semester. All statistics were computed through the SPSS software (version 16) using descriptive (frequency, percentages) and non-parametric statistical tests (Wilcoxon test). Results: A total of 181 students answered the questionnaire (with a response rate of 88.2%). 67.4% students were highly satisfied with the system while 24.3% were dissatisfied. Students’ satisfaction was assessed within four domains of structure and practical issues learner related issues curriculum and content related issues and learner support related issues. Among faculty members, 88.2% were well satisfied with teaching in blended-e-learning system. Both students and faculty members preferred blended-e-learning system to conventional method (P<0.0001). Conclusion: Considering the learning flexibility of blended-e-learning system and provided opportunity in taking advantages of face to face and electronic education, both which resulted learners and teachers’ satisfaction, the study recommends blended-e-learning system as an effective method of education to be used in universities of medical sciences in the country. It’s suggested to pay specific attention to enhance the interaction and motivation in blended-e-learning education. .
Keywords: Blended-e-learning, Satisfaction, Nursing and midwifery students, Faculty
Full-Text [PDF 249 kb]   (72 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Nursing Education | Subject: nursing
Received: 2009/09/17 | Published: 2009/02/15
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Satisfaction of Student and faculty members with implementing Blended-E-Learning. IJNR 2009; 3 (11 and 10-11) :99-109
URL: http://ijnr.ir/article-1-359-en.html

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