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:: Volume 13, Issue 1 (March-April 2018) ::
IJNR 2018, 13(1): 64-72 Back to browse issues page
The Effect of Education and Telephone Counseling On The Self- Efficacy Of Women With Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy
Shadan Pedram Razi , Asma Satiyarvand * , Fariba Tabari , Anooshiravan Kazemnejad , Zahra Tizh Maghz , Mojdeh Navidhamidi
Faculty of Nursing And Midwifery, Tehran University Of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , asma.satiar@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (7418 Views)
Introduction: Self-efficacy is a key psychological source in adapting to chronic diseases and plays a crucial role in how patients adapt to the challenges of cancer as a chronic disease. Promoting self-efficacy in patients with breast cancer leads to better Compatibility with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, reducing cancer symptoms, improving mental image, and improving the communication of patients with therapeutic personnel. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of education and telephone counseling on the self-efficacy of women with breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy.
Methods: In This Randomized Clinical Trial Study, 64 patients who were scheduled for the Breast Cancer Radiotherapy and Referring To Cancer Institute of Imam Khomeini , Tehran University Of Medical Sciences, were recruited using the convenience sampling method. Participants were randomly assigned into Two Groups of Test (N = 32) And Control (N = 32). Before The Start Of Radiotherapy, Chronic Disease Self-Efficacy Scale Was Completed By Research Samples In The Studied Groups. Patients' Self-Efficacy Was Evaluated Again 1 Month And 3 Months After Education and Telephone Counseling, And Data Were Analyzed Using SPSS-22 Software.
Results: Before The Intervention, There Was No Significant Difference Between The Mean Score Of Self – Efficacy Of The Two Groups. However, 1 Month And 3 Month After The Beginning Of Intervention, The Mean Score Of Self-Efficacy In The Experimental Group Was Significantly Higher Than In The Control Group (P <0.001).
 Conclusion: According To The Results Of This Study, The Use Of Education And Telephone Counseling To Promote Self-Efficacy Of Women With Breast Cancer Under Radiotherapy Is Emphasized.
Keywords: Education, Telephone Counseling, Self-Efficacy, Breast Cancer, Radiotherapy
Full-Text [PDF 666 kb]   (2229 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Medical Surgical Nursing | Subject: nursing
Received: 2017/09/27 | Accepted: 2017/10/18 | Published: 2018/04/9
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Pedram Razi S, Satiyarvand A, Tabari F, Kazemnejad A, Tizh Maghz Z, Navidhamidi M. The Effect of Education and Telephone Counseling On The Self- Efficacy Of Women With Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy. IJNR 2018; 13 (1) :64-72
URL: http://ijnr.ir/article-1-2025-en.html

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