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:: Volume 17, Issue 4 (October-November 2022) ::
IJNR 2022, 17(4): 68-76 Back to browse issues page
qualitatively analyze the views of experts on the role of knowledge and cognitive evaluation effective in emotion regulation
Peyman Hatamian , Kazem Tabatabaei * , Parviz Azadfalah , Jafar Hasani
Tarbiat modares , Raoolza1340@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (817 Views)
Introduction: Emotion regulation refers to strategies that are used to reduce, increase or maintain emotional experiences, Considering that accurate knowledge of emotions and their correct assessment can play an important role in reducing people's emotional problems, therefore, the purpose of this research was to qualitatively analyze the opinion of experts about the role of knowledge and cognitive evaluation effective on emotion regulation.
Methods: The present study was Inductive qualitative content analysis and latent analysis method. The participants were specialists and experts working on the field of emotion regulation in Iran and were selected through purposeful sampling. After reaching the saturation point with 11 experts, semi-structured interviews were conducted.
Results: Qualitative analysis of the findings led to two main categories: a) knowledge and acceptance of emotions and b) inadequate emotional education and four subcategories. Subclasses include such as; Emotional assessment and acceptance, incomplete emotional knowledge, lack of accurate emotional education programs, and deficiencies in existing training. Conclusions: The results of the findings indicate that the more people know about their emotions and accept that emotions are part of them, the more easily the regulation and management of emotions happens and vice versa. The lack of evaluation and lack of emotional education leads the person towards inappropriate strategies of emotional regulation in emotional situations. Therefore, clinical therapists are advised to pay special attention to this issue in relation to clients.
Keywords: Cognitive evaluation, emotion acceptance, emotion regulation
Full-Text [PDF 249 kb]   (294 Downloads)    
Type of Study: qualitative research | Subject: behavioral sciences
Received: 2022/06/16 | Accepted: 2022/08/21 | Published: 2022/10/2
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Hatamian P, Tabatabaei K, Azadfalah P, Hasani J. qualitatively analyze the views of experts on the role of knowledge and cognitive evaluation effective in emotion regulation. IJNR 2022; 17 (4) :68-76
URL: http://ijnr.ir/article-1-2692-en.html

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