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:: Volume 1, Issue 1 (summer 2006 2006) ::
IJNR 2006, 1(1): 7-12 Back to browse issues page
تأثیر آموزش تمرینات تنفسی بر میزان بروز آتلکتازی بعد از عمل جراحی قفسه سینه
Abstract:   (49464 Views)

The effects of breathing [respiratory] exercises teaching on incidence of postoperative (thoracic surgery) atelectasis in hospitalized patients

Shaban M (MSc.), Zakerimoghadam M (MSc.), Kordestani P (MSc.).


Introduction: Pulmonary complication due to thoracic surgery changes pulmonary function. Pulmonary atelectasis is the most important complication of postoperative surgery, especially lung surgery, and occurs in the most of thoracic surgery operations. Patient education in preoperative period increases patient's coping with surgery and cooperation in self care. Among teaching of exercises , the nurses must be encourage the patients to do for determining the effects of teaching of breathing exercises on postoperative atelectasis (thoracic surgery) in hospitalized patients in thorax surgery ward.

 Method and Materials: This study is a clinical trial research. The subject consist of 40 patients (32 female,8male)who were hospitalized in Khorramabad martyrs hospital with age rang 15-65 years old who had eligibility criteria's for this study. Subjects were selected with convenience sampling and then placed in two, 20 persons, experimental and control groups. In experimental group, breathing exercises teaching and how to use incentive spirometry was trained to subjects, and control group received routine cares. Tools of data collection were information checklist and physiological form. Radiography is used for detection of atelectasis. SPSS software descriptive and analytical static's and Qui-square test were used for data analysis in this research.

Results: The results of research showed that in 75% of cases of control group, atelctasis is happened. Therefore, in experimental group it was 25%. There was significant difference between two groups for atelectasis. In this research (p) was respected less than significantly 0.005. So that patients in control group were affected with atelectasis more than other group. It means compiled breathing exercises teaching was effective in prevention of atelectasis.

Conclusion: This study showed that, for diagnosis of postoperative atelectasis that is due to accumulation of secretions caused by respiratory muscle weakness and decrease in function of respiration center due to drug consumption, we must not be wait for loudly signs of atelectasis because in these patients, atelectasis isn't extensive, but it is moderate to mild. In this research, patients in control group were affected with partial atlectasis, significantly. Between tow groups except in breathing sound, in other signs there was no difference. Basic criterion in diagnosis of atelectasis was chest x ray.

Key words: Teaching of breathing exercises, Atelectasis, Thoracic surgery

Full-Text [PDF 127 kb]   (118 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Rehabilitation Nursing | Subject: nursing
Received: 2006/12/27 | Published: 2006/08/15
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تأثیر آموزش تمرینات تنفسی بر میزان بروز آتلکتازی بعد از عمل جراحی قفسه سینه. IJNR 2006; 1 (1) :7-12
URL: http://ijnr.ir/article-1-3-en.html

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