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:: Volume 7, Issue 25 (Summer 2012) ::
IJNR 2012, 7(25): 1-8 Back to browse issues page
The effect of orientation program on stress, anxiety and depression of patients undergoing coronary angiography
Nasrin Hanifi * , Nasrin Bahraminezhad , Tayebeh Mirzaee , Fazlillah Ahmadi , Mohammad Khani , Leila Taran
zanjan ums , nasrinhanifi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (35418 Views)
Introduction: Hospitalization causes anxiety for many patients. It increases when patients anticipate their turn for coronary angiography. Education and orientation reduces the psycho- physiologic effects of anxiety and stress. To determine the effect of Orientation Program on stress, anxiety and depression in patient under coronary angiography, who had hospitalization in heart and post angio ward of shahid Beheshti center of heart in Zanjan. Methods: In a quasi-experimental, 60 patient under angiography were randomly assigned to either the test group: those who received orientation program, or the control group. Data collection tools were included: the DASS-21 Standard Questionnaire for patients' stress, anxiety and depression. Subjects' stress, anxiety and depression levels were measured before angiography. And finally the collected data was analyzed by SPSS software. Results: After intervention, the independent t-test showed that the anxiety, stress, and depression level (P<0.05) were reduced in case group. Conclusion: This study showed that patients in case group experienced lower anxiety, stress, and depression level. Therefore proposed to be used orientation program before invasive diagnostic procedures.
Keywords: Orientation program, stress, anxiety, depression, coronary angiography
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Type of Study: Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing | Subject: nursing
Received: 2012/07/8 | Published: 2012/07/15
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hanifi N, bahraminezhad N, mirzaee T, ahmadi F, khani M, taran L. The effect of orientation program on stress, anxiety and depression of patients undergoing coronary angiography. IJNR 2012; 7 (25) :1-8
URL: http://ijnr.ir/article-1-1026-en.html

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