Introduction: Evaluation is an important part of educational process. To reach evaluation’s objectives, we need an accurate and effective evaluation method.
Methods: The aim of this study was review of nursing students’ and their teachers’ view about clinical evaluation method. This descriptive study was done in one of universities in Tehran at 2010-2011. All nursing students in bachelor course which studying in 8-2 semester (217) and, their clinical instructors (41) were population of the study. Sample size in students’ and instructors’ group was 197 and 29 participants, respectively. Data collection tool was a questionnaire and satisfaction form which their content validity was confirmed by experts. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 16.
Results: The results showed the majority of students (73.6%) and teachers (75.9%) are object with current clinical evaluation method and think this is inappropriate. Also, according to the results 59.9% of students and 37.9% were unsatisfied with the current evaluation method. Most of the students (96.4%) told in this method of evaluation they do not receive any feedback. 79.6% of them believed current evaluation is based on teachers’ idea about students, not student performance.
Conclusion: According to the results, both students and teacher believed an evaluation method is insufficient when it is just one global form that is completed based on teacher idea without any rules. So, it is necessary to change the current evaluation method and apply other clinical evaluation methods to have more accurate and precise judgment about clinical performance of students.
imanipour M, jalili M. Nursing students’ clinical evaluation in students and teachers views. IJNR 2012; 7 (25) :17-26 URL: