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:: Volume 18, Issue 5 (December-January 2023) ::
IJNR 2023, 18(5): 76-86 Back to browse issues page
The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Psychological Well-being and Happiness of Mothers of Children with thalassemia major
Jamalodin Begjani , Mahdieh Alidadi soleimani , Akramsadat Sadat hosseini , Hamed Zare * , Hadi Ranjbar
shahid sadoughi university of medical science , zare69.hz@gmail.com
Abstract:   (446 Views)
Introduction: Thalassemia is a chronic disease that poses serious clinical and psychological challenges.   It may affect the mental state of parents of children with thalassemia. Regarding that Mothers of children with thalassemia major have a lot of care responsibility, this research was done to study the effectiveness of acceptance & commitment-based method of therapy on the happiness and psychological well-being of Mothers of children with thalassemia major
Methods: The present study is a semi-experimental type of with a control and follow-up group. The statistical population of the study was the mothers of children with thalassemia major who referred to the center of special diseases in Kerman province in 1400. Samples were selected voluntarily using available sampling method that consisted of 30 people in each group. After that, treatment based on acceptance and commitment was performed on the experimental group. The control group receive routine care.  After the training, the post-test was taken separately from the two groups one day apart, and a month later, the control and intervention groups were evaluated again. The data collection tools were Ruff Psychological Wellbeing and Oxford Happiness.
 Results: psychological well-being of mothers of children with thalassemia major in two groups were not significantly different before the intervention. After the intervention, significant difference was seen in the intervention group. (p<0.05The effect of acceptance and commitment therapy on the happiness of mothers of children with thalassemia major", followed (p<0.05) and this effect was maintained for one month after the intervention.
 Conclusion: The results showed that acceptance and commitment therapy is effective on happiness and psychological well-being of mothers of children with thalassemia major.
Keywords: Thalassemia major, Happiness, Psychological well-being, Acceptance, commitment-based therapy
Full-Text [PDF 278 kb]   (205 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Pediatric and Neonatal Nursing | Subject: nursing
Received: 2023/09/2 | Accepted: 2023/12/3 | Published: 2023/12/1
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begjani J, alidadi soleimani M, sadat hosseini A, zare H, ranjbar H. The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Psychological Well-being and Happiness of Mothers of Children with thalassemia major. IJNR 2023; 18 (5) :76-86
URL: http://ijnr.ir/article-1-2823-en.html

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