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:: Volume 18, Issue 5 (December-January 2023) ::
IJNR 2023, 18(5): 1-11 Back to browse issues page
The Mediating role of Coping Styles in the relationship between Spiritual Health and Marital Satisfaction of Nurses
Elham Khalili Basseri , Homeira Soleimannejad * , Maryam Safara , Vahid Ahmadi
Department of Psychology, Ilam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilam, Iran , soleimannejadh@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1054 Views)
Background and purpose: Satisfaction in married life plays a valuable role in mental health and it is considered the main role for the continuation of the life of a relationship, based on this, it seems necessary to examine the role of factors that lead to the improvement of marital satisfaction, so the present study with The objective of mediating the role of coping styles in the relationship between spiritual health and marital satisfaction of nurses was carried out.
Method: The descriptive-correlation research method was path analysis. The research population was all married female nurses working in public and private medical centers in Tehran in the second six months of 2022; 409 people were included in the study using available sampling method and through social networks. The expressions of data collection included Palotzin and Ellison's (1982) spiritual health questionnaires, Kalzbeck et al.'s coping styles (2006) and Hudson's marital satisfaction (1992). SPSS version 22 and Amos software were used for data analysis.
Results: The results showed that spiritual health has a negative effect on the avoidance strategy (β=-0.490, p<0.01) and the emotion-oriented strategy (β=-0.471, p<0.01) and on the problem-oriented strategy (β = 0.537, p < 0.01) have a positive direct effect. Spiritual health affects marital satisfaction both directly (β=0.160, p<0.01) and indirectly (β=0.510, p<0.01) and through the mediation of coping styles. Avoidance strategy (β=0.118, p<0.01) and emotion-oriented strategy (β=0.292, p<0.01) have a direct positive effect on marital satisfaction. Problem-oriented strategy has a direct negative effect on marital satisfaction (β=0.587, p<0.01).
Conclusion: The results showed that coping styles had a mediating role in the relationship between spiritual health and marital satisfaction of nurses, and the results can help nurses to know and improve marital satisfaction. Therefore, empowerment and educational programs with the aim of increasing knowledge in the field of coping styles and increasing spiritual health can have an effective role in improving life satisfaction.

Keywords: Spiritual Health, Coping Styles, Marital satisfaction, Nurses.
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Type of Study: Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing | Subject: behavioral sciences
Received: 2023/10/3 | Accepted: 2023/11/15 | Published: 2023/12/1
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Khalili Basseri E, Soleimannejad H, safara M, Ahmadi V. The Mediating role of Coping Styles in the relationship between Spiritual Health and Marital Satisfaction of Nurses. IJNR 2023; 18 (5) :1-11
URL: http://ijnr.ir/article-1-2833-en.html

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