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:: Volume 19, Issue 5 (December-January 2024) ::
IJNR 2024, 19(5): 112-125 Back to browse issues page
Explaining the causal relationships between personality traits and overeating in female students based on the mediating role of psychological distress and lifestyle based on self-efficacy in weight control
Hadiseh Negahdari , Marziyeh Gholami Tooran poshti * , Mohammadreza Seirafi , Fatemeh Mohammadi Shirmahaleh , Mehdi Dehestani
, gholamitooranposhti@gmail.com
Abstract:   (95 Views)

Background : Overeating is one of the common problems in women, which is affected by various psychological factors in addition to physical factors. The aim of the present study is to explain the causal relationship between personality traits and overeating in female students based on the mediating role of psychological distress and lifestyle based on self-efficacy in weight control.
methods: The method of this research was structural equation correlation. Its population included all male and female students of Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch in 1401, and the sample size was 356 people who were selected by available sampling method. The instruments used in this research included Gormali et al.'s binge eating scale (1982), Neo's five-factor questionnaire (1989), Clark et al.'s self-efficacy lifestyle questionnaire (1991), Lavibond and Lavibond's depression, anxiety, and stress scale (1995). The data obtained from the research were analyzed using maximum likelihood method and Imus version 24 software.
Findings: The results showed that the coefficient of the indirect path between the factors of conscientiousness (P=0.001) and extroversion (P=0.001) with overeating through a lifestyle based on self-efficacy in weight controll was negative and the coefficient of the indirect path Between the factor of neuroticism (P=0.001) and overeating through lifestyle based on self-efficacy was positive and significant. Also, the indirect path coefficient between the extroversion factor (P=0.001) and overeating through psychological distress was negative and the indirect path coefficient between the neuroticism factor (P=0.001) and overeating through psychological distress was positive and significant.
 conclusion: In general, it can be said that lifestyle based on self-efficacy in weight control and psychological distress play a mediating role in the relationship between personality traits and overeating. Therefore, therapists in the field of overeating are suggested to pay attention to effective psychological variables such as personality traits, self-efficacy and psychological distress in addition to pharmacological interventions.
Keywords: overeating, psychological distress, personality traits, self-efficacy-based lifestyle
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Type of Study: Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing | Subject: behavioral sciences
Received: 2024/10/20 | Accepted: 2024/11/11 | Published: 2024/10/31
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negahdari H, Gholami Tooran poshti M, Seirafi M, Mohammadi Shirmahaleh F, Dehestani M. Explaining the causal relationships between personality traits and overeating in female students based on the mediating role of psychological distress and lifestyle based on self-efficacy in weight control. IJNR 2024; 19 (5) :112-125
URL: http://ijnr.ir/article-1-2947-en.html

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